Abstract (English):
The textbook contains material corresponding to the course of lectures on atmospheric chemistry prepared for students studying meteorology and climatology. The basic concepts of atmospheric chemistry are given, its gaseous components, as well as aerosols and chemical processes related to their life cycles, which are important from the point of view of the formation of the radiation, temperature and dynamic regime of the atmosphere, as well as its pollution, are considered. The main regularities of the transport of impurities in the atmosphere and the role of processes of different spatial and temporal scales in this process are presented. The concept of approaches of varying degrees of complexity used to model the transport of matter in the atmosphere, taking into account its chemical transformations, is presented. The processes in the gaseous and liquid phases that affect the chemical composition and acidity of clouds and precipitation are described. Modern methods of using information about the concentration and state of chemical compounds, including their radioactive and stable isotopes, to obtain information about the meteorological regime of the atmosphere in the present and past are considered. Meets the requirements of the federal state educational standards of higher education of the latest generation. For students of higher educational institutions studying in the field of training "Hydrometeorology".