Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The book gives current scientific positions of the system analysis methodology on the basis of various models and scales, both in deterministic conditions and under conditions of uncertainty and risks. Models of complex systems are considered. Classification of types of systems modeling is presented. The principles of constructing scales are considered: nominal type, order, intervals models of complex systems are formulated. Stages of construction of mathematical model of system are made. The main types of measurement, ratios, differences and absolute scale. Methods for processing characteristics measured in different scales. Life cycles and empirical laws of evolution, engineering and reengineering of developing management information systems, patterns of evolution of such systems, bifurcation phenomena and the importance of attractor development constraints are analyzed. The problems of management of innovative projects using fuzzy logic methods, fuzzy algorithms (Mamdani, Larsen, Sugeno and Tsukamoto), fuzzy growing pyramidal networks and elements of artificial intelligence are considered. Some methods for analyzing and assessing the sustainability of managing risky investment projects on the basis of the theory of the function of a complex variable, operational calculus, actor-network theory, imitation modeling, and the construction of a stability curve are presented. Empirical laws of evolutionary dynamics of information-control systems are considered. Some methods for modeling defect management processes in a developing information management system are presented, including mathematical modeling using the Kendall method. The stochastic network model of the evolution of the information-control system is analyzed. Interpretation and evaluation of the penetration of defects into the system is given. Management decisions and budgeting of the information management system are analyzed.

system analysis, information system, life cycle, evolution, innovative project, math modeling, vitality, adaptation, uncertainty, risk
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