Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The textbook opens modern approach and a practical orientation to management and forecasting of economic activity of the organization in the conditions of the market competition. The author tried to combine harmoniously stability in approach to economy of the organization with reflection of the new positions determined by the present stage of development of business activity. All types of legal forms of property and all fields of activity of economic entities are reflected in materials of the textbook. The textbook consists of four sections in which all essence of conducting economic activity of the organization taking into account the standard rules and receptions consistently reveals. In the first section the essence and forms of business activity, external and internal environment of business, an order of education and registration of legal entity, the authorized capital of the organization and ways of his formation are defined. All legal forms of enterprise activity are in detail disclosed. Modern control systems of the organization are characterized. Modern approach to management and effective use of labor, material and financial resources of the organization is presented in the second section. In the third section the system of planning and the organization of economic activity is characterized. Approach to forecasting, planning and budgeting of activity of the organization is presented. Production, marketing, innovative and investment activity of the organization, her price policy and management of enterprise risks, and also indicators and methods of an assessment of quality and competitiveness of production is characterized. The fourth section is devoted to formation of the income, expenses and financial results of activity of the organization. Approach to formation and calculation of product cost is considered. To an assessment of efficiency of economic activity, probability of bankruptcy and crisis management by the organization. At the end of the textbook the glossary with the main definitions and the table with the basic formulas given in the main text is submitted.

Economy, business, resources of the organization, efficiency of activity, competitiveness, risk management, pricing, innovations, investments, bankruptcy, crisis management.
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1. Grazhdanskiy kodeks Rossiyskoy Federatsii. Chast´ 1 i 2.

2. Nalogovyy kodeks Rossiyskoy Federatsii. Chast´ 1 i 2.

3. Trudovoy kodeks Rossiyskoy Federatsii. Chast´ 1 i 2.

4. Federal´nyy zakon «O gosudarstvennoy registratsii prav na nedvizhimoe imushchestvo i sdelok s nim» № 122-FZ ot 21.07.1997.

5. Federal´nyy zakon «O gosudarstvennoy registratsii yuridicheskikh lits i individual´nykh predprinimateley» № 129-FZ ot 08.08.2001.

6. Federal´nyy zakon «O krest´yanskom (fermerskom) khozyaystve» № 74-FZ ot 11.06.2003.

7. Federal´nyy zakon «O litsenzirovanii otdel´nykh vidov deyatel´nosti» № 99-FZ ot 04.05.2011.

8. Federal´nyy zakon «O nekommercheskikh organizatsiyakh» № 7-FZ ot 12.01.1996.

9. Federal´nyy zakon «O nesostoyatel´nosti (bankrotstve)» № 127-FZ ot 26.10.2002.

10. Federal´nyy zakon «O razvitii malogo i srednego predprinimatel´stva v Rossiyskoy Federatsii» № 209-FZ ot 24.07.2007.

11. Federal´nyy zakon «Ob aktsionernykh obshchestvakh» (AO) № 208-FZ ot 26.12.1995.

12. Federal´nyy zakon «Ob obshchestvakh s ogranichennoy otvetstvennost´yu» (OOO) № 14-FZ ot 08.02.1998.

13. Federal´nyy zakon «Ob investitsionnoy deyatel´nosti v Rossiyskoy Federatsii, osushchestvlyaemoy v forme kapital´nykh vlozheniy» № 39-FZ ot 25.02.1999.

14. Zakon RF «O sertifikatsii produktsii i uslug» № 5151-1 ot 10.06.1993 (s izmeneniyami ot 27.12.1995, 02.03.1998, 31.07.1998, 25.07.2002).

15. Federal´nyy zakon «O standartizatsii v Rossiyskoy Federatsii» № 162-FZ ot 29.06.2015.

16. Zub A.T. Antikrizisnoe upravlenie [Tekst]: uchebnik dlya bakalavrov / A.T. Zub. - 2-e izd., pererab. i dop. - M.: Izdatel´stvo Yurayt, 2014. - 343 s. - Seriya: Bakalavr. Bazovyy kurs. ISBN 978-5-9916-3179-2.

17. Innovatsionnaya ekonomika: strategiya i instrumenty formirovaniya [Tekst]: uchebnoe posobie / O.I. Dontsova, S.A. Logvinov. - M.:Al´fa-M: NITs INFRA-M, 2015. - 208 s.: 60x90 1/16. - (Magistratura). (pereplet) ISBN 978-5-98281-403-6, 300 ekz.

18. Kompleksnyy ekonomicheskiy analiz khozyaystvennoy deyatel´nosti [Tekst]: uchebnoe posobie / A.I. Alekseeva, Yu.V. Vasil´ev, A.V. Maleeva, L.I. Ushvitskiy. - 3-e izd., pererab. i dop. - M.: KnoRus, 2011. - 712 s.

19. Korotkov E.M. Antikrizisnoe upravlenie [Tekst]: uchebnik dlya bakalavrov / E.M. Korotkov. - M.: Izdatel´stvo Yurayt, 2014. - 406 s. - Seriya: Bakalavr. Uglublennyy kurs. ISBN 978-5-9916-3026-9.

20. Kurs mikroekonomiki [Tekst]: uchebnik / R.M. Nureev. - 3-e izd., ispr. i dop. - M.: Norma: NITs INFRA-M, 2015. - 624 s.: 60x90 1/16. (pereplet) ISBN 978-5-91768-450-5, 1000 ekz.

21. Maevskaya E.B. Strategicheskiy analiz i byudzhetirovanie denezhnykh potokov kommercheskikh organizatsiy [Tekst]: monografiya / E.B. Maevskaya. - M.: INFRA-M, 2014. - 106 s. - (Nauchnaya mysl´). - DOI: ISBN 978-5-16-009615-5. ISBN 978-5-16-100885-0, 500 ekz.

22. Savitskaya G.V. Ekonomicheskiy analiz [Tekst]: uchebnik / G.V. Savitskaya. - 14-e izd., pererab. i dop. - M.: INFRA-M, 2014. - 649 s. - (Vysshee obrazovanie).

23. Strekalova N.D. Biznes-planirovanie [Tekst]: uchebnoe posobie (CD s uchebnymi materialami) / N.D. Strekalova. - SPb.: Piter, 2009. - 352 s.: il. - (Seriya «Uchebnoe posobie»).

24. Upravlenie organizatsiey [Tekst]: uchebnik / A.G. Porshnev, G.L. Azoev, V.P. Barancheev; pod red. A.G. Porshneva [i dr.]. - 4-e izd., pererab. i dop. - M.: NITs INFRA-M, 2015. - 736 s.: 60x90 1/16. - (Vysshee obrazovanie). (oblozhka) ISBN 978-5-16-009865-4, 12 ekz.

25. Upravlenie personalom organizatsii: Praktikum [Tekst]: uchebnoe posobie / A.Ya. Kibanov. - 2-e izd., pererab. i dop. - M.: NITs INFRA-M, 2015. - 365 s.: 60x90 1/16. - (Vysshee obrazovanie: Bakalavriat). (pereplet) ISBN 978-5-16-001973-4, 500 ekz.

26. Upravlenie riskami organizatsii [Tekst]: uchebnoe posobie / G.D. Antonov, O.P. Ivanova, V.M. Tumin. - M.: NITs INFRA-M, 2015. - 153 s.: 60x90 1/16 + (Dop. mat. - (Vysshee obrazovanie: Bakalavriat). (oblozhka) ISBN 978-5-16-010203-0, 1500 ekz.

27. Finansy organizatsiy (predpriyatiy) [Tekst]: uchebnoe posobie / L.M. Burmistrova. - 2-e izd. - M.: NITs INFRA-M, 2015. - 224 s.: 60x90 1/16. - (Vysshee obrazovanie: Bakalavriat). (pereplet) ISBN 978-5-16-009951-4, 500 ekz.

28. Ekonomika i organizatsiya malogo i srednego biznesa [Tekst]: uchebnoe posobie / N.M. Filimonova, N.V. Morgunova, E.S. Lovkova. - 2-e izd., dop. - M.: NITs INFRA-M, 2015. - 222 s.: 60x90 1/16. - (Vysshee obrazovanie: Bakalavriat). (p) ISBN 978-5-16-009934-7, 500 ekz.

29. Ekonomika organizatsii (predpriyatiya, firmy) [Tekst]: uchebnik / pod red. prof. B.N. Chernysheva, prof. V.Ya. Gorfinkelya. - M.: Vuzovskiy uchebnik, 2008. - 536 s.

30. Ekonomika predpriyatiya [Tekst]: uchebnoe posobie / I.S. Bol´shukhina; pod obshch. red. V.V. Kuznetsova. - Ul´yanovsk: UlGTU, 2007. - 118 s. ISBN 978-5-9795-0062-1.

31. Ekonomika predpriyatiya [Tekst]: uchebnik; praktikum / V.D. Gribov, V.P. Gruzinov. - 6-e izd., pererab. i dop. - M.: KURS: NITs INFRA-M, 2015. - 448 s.: 60x90 1/16. (pereplet) ISBN 978-5-905554-67-4, 500 ekz.

32. Ekonomika truda [Tekst]: uchebnik / D.G. Shchipanova, M.V. Melkumova. - M.: ITs RIOR, NITs INFRA-M, 2015. - 332 s.: 60x90 1/16. - (Vysshee obrazovanie: Bakalavriat). (pereplet) ISBN 978-5-369-01390-8, 500 ekz.

33. Ekonomika [Tekst]: uchebnik / A.I. Balashov, S.A. Tertyshnyy. - M.: Magistr: NITs INFRA-M, 2015. - 432 s.: 60x90 1/16. - (Bakalavriat). (pereplet) ISBN 978-5-9776-0340-9, 300 ekz.

34. Ekonomika [Tekst]: uchebnoe posobie / E.F. Borisov. - M.: NITs INFRA-M: Kontrakt, 2015. - 256 s.: 60x90 1/16. - (Vysshee obrazovanie: Bakalavriat). (pereplet) ISBN 978-5-16-005157-4, 400 ekz.

35. Bakaev A.C. Bukhgalterskaya otchetnost´ organizatsii. 2008-2009 god (+CD) [Tekst]: uchebnoe posobie / A.C. Bakaev, L.B. Sotnikova. - SPb.: Piter, 2009. - 704 s.

36. Bakanov M.I. Teoriya ekonomicheskogo analiza [Tekst]: uchebnik / M.I. Bakanov, M.V. Mel´nik, A.D. Sheremet; pod red. M.I. Bakanova. - 5-e izd., pererab. i dop. - M.: Finansy i statistika, 2005, - 536 s.: il.

37. Baranenko S.P. Strategicheskaya ustoychivost´ predpriyatiya [Tekst] / S.P. Baranenko, V.V. Shemetov. - M.: ZAO «Tsentrpoligraf», 2004. - 493 s.

38. Barilenko V.I. Analiz finansovoy otchetnosti [Tekst]: uchebnoe posobie / V.I. Barilenko, S.I. Kuznetsov, L.K. Plotnikova, O.V. Ivanova; pod obshch. red. V.I. Barilenko. - M.: KnoRus, 2006. - 416 s.

39. Barngol´ts S.B. Metodologiya ekonomicheskogo analiza deyatel´nosti khozyaystvuyushchego sub´´ekta [Tekst] / S.B. Barngol´ts, M.V. Mel´nik. - M.: Finansy i statistika, 2003. - 240 s.

40. Barrou K. Biznes planirovanie. Polnoe rukovodstvo [Tekst] / Kolin Barrou, Pol Barrou, Robert Braun; per. s angl. M. Veselkovoy. - M.: FAIR-PRESS, 2003. - 400 s.- (Universitety biznesa).

41. Berd P. Biznes-plan: Poshagovoe rukovodstvo [Tekst] / Polli Berd; per. s angl. Yu. Bushuevoy. - M.: FAIR-PRESS, 2007. - 304 s.

42. Bernstayn L.A. Analiz finansovoy otchetnosti. Metod predel´nykh izderzhek: teoriya, praktika i interpretatsiya [Tekst] / L.A. Bernstayn; per. s angl.; pod red. Ya.V. Sokolova. - M.: Finansy i statistika, 2002. - 624 s.

43. Bertonesh M. Upravlenie denezhnymi potokami [Tekst] / M. Bertonesh, R. Nayt. - SPb.: Piter, 2004. - 240 s.: il.

44. Blank I.A. Finansovyy menedzhment [Tekst] / I.A. Blank. - Kiev: Nika-Tsentr, 2007. - 656 s.

45. Bocharov V.V. Kompleksnyy finansovyy analiz [Tekst] / V.V. Bocharov. - SPb.: Piter, 2005. - 432 s.

46. Breg S. Nastol´naya kniga finansovogo direktora [Tekst] / Stiven Breg; per. s angl. - M.: Al´pina Biznes Buks, 2007. - 536 s.

47. Brigkhem Yu. Finansovyy menedzhment [Tekst]: v 2 t. / Yu. Brigkhem, M. Erkhard; per. s angl. - SPb.: Piter, 2007. - 960 s.

48. Van Khorn Dzh. K. Osnovy upravleniya finansami [Tekst] / K. Dzh. Van Khorn; per. s angl. - M.: Finansy i statistika, 2005. - 800 s.

49. Vesnin V.R. Strategicheskiy menedzhment [Tekst]: uchebnoe posobie / V.R. Vesnin. - M.: MGIU, 2007. - 320 s.

50. Gaponenko A.L. Strategicheskoe upravlenie [Tekst]: uchebnik dlya studentov vuzov, obuchayushchikhsya po spetsial´nosti 061100 «Menedzhment org.» / A.L. Gaponenko, A.P. Pankrukhin. - 2-e izd., ster. - M.: OMEGA-L, 2006. - 464 s.: tabl., il. - (Uspeshnyy menedzhment).

51. Gilyarovskaya L.T. Kompleksnyy ekonomicheskiy analiz i kontrol´ investitsionnoy deyatel´nosti [Tekst] / L.T. Gilyarovskaya, D.A. Endovitskiy, D.V. Lysenko. - M.: TK «Velbi» 2008. - 360 s.

52. Druker P.F. Zadachi menedzhmenta v KhKhI veke [Tekst] / P.F. Druker; per. s angl. - M.: Vil´yams, 2007. - 272 s.

53. Efimova O.V. Analiz finansovoy otchetnosti [Tekst] / O.V. Efimova, M.V. Mel´nik. - M.: Omega-L, 2007. - 452 s.

54. Efimova O.V. Finansovyy analiz: sovremennyy instrumentariy dlya prinyatiya ekonomicheskikh resheniy [Tekst]: uchebnik / O.V. Efimova. - 2-e izd., ster. - M.: Omega-L, 2010. - 350 s.: il., tabl. - (Vysshee finansovoe obrazovanie).

55. Kollas B. Upravlenie finansovoy deyatel´nost´yu predpriyatiya: Problemy, kontseptsii i metody [Tekst]: uchebnoe posobie / B. Kollas; pod red. V.V. Sokolova; per. s fr. - M.: Finansy, YuNITI, 1997. - 114 s.

56. Kotler F. Marketing menedzhment. Ekspress-kurs [Tekst] / F. Kotler; per. s angl. pod red. S. G. Bozhuk. - 2-e izd. - SPb.: Piter, 2006. - 464 s.: il. - (Seriya «Delovoy bestseller»).

57. Kouplend T. Stoimost´ kompaniy: otsenka i upravlenie [Tekst] / T. Kouplend, T. Koller, Dzh. Murrin; per. s angl. - M.: ZAO «Olimp-Biznes», 2005. - 567 s.

58. MakKenzi V. Ispol´zovanie i interpretatsiya finansovoy otchetnosti [Tekst] / Vendi MakKenzi; per. s angl. - Dnepropetrovsk, Balans Biznes Buks, 2006. - 528 s.

59. Markar´yan E.A. Ekonomicheskiy analiz khozyaystvennoy deyatel´nosti [Tekst]: uchebnoe posobie / E.A. Markar´yan, G.P. Gerasimenko, S.E. Markar´yan. - M.: KnoRus, 2008. - 552 s.

60. Markin Yu.P. Ekonomicheskiy analiz [Tekst]: uchebnoe posobie dlya studentov vuzov, obuchayushchikhsya po napravleniyu «Ekonomika» i drugim ekonom. spetsial´nostyam / Yu.P. Markin.- M.: Omega-L, 2009. - 450 s. - (Vysshee ekonomicheskoe obrazovanie).

61. Minto B. Zolotye pravila Garvarda i McKinsey. Pravila magicheskoy piramidy dlya delovogo pis´ma [Tekst] / B. Minto; per. s angl. - M.: Mann, Ivanov i Ferber, 2007. - 272 s.

62. Naumova N.V. Byudzhetirovanie v deyatel´nosti predpriyatiya [Tekst]: uchebnoe posobie / N.V. Naumova, L.A. Zharikova. - Tambov: Izd-vo Tamb. gos. tekhn. un-ta, 2009. - 112 s.

63. Rezin N.G. Uchet i dokumental´noe oformlenie operatsiy s uchastiem denezhnykh sredstv. Vedenie kassovykh operatsiy [Elektronnyy resurs] / N.G. Rezin. Elektronno-pravovaya sistema «Garant». - Konsul´tant bukhgaltera. - 2008. - № 4.

64. Uord K. Strategicheskiy upravlencheskiy uchet [Tekst] / Kit Uord; per. s angl. E. Osmolovskiy. - M.: Olimp-biznes, 2002. - 435 s.

65. Finansovyy menedzhment [Tekst]: uchebnik dlya vuzov / pod red. akad. G.B. Polyaka. - 2-e izd., pererab. i dop. - M.: YuNITI-DANA, 2004. - 527s.

66. Finansovyy menedzhment: teoriya i praktika [Tekst] / pod red. E.S. Stoyanovoy - M.: Izdatel´stvo «Perspektiva», 2005. - 656 s.

67. Felps B. Umnye biznes-pokazateli: Sistema izmereniy effektivnosti kak vazhnyy element menedzhmenta [Tekst] / Bob Felps; per. s angl. - Dnepropetrovsk: Balans Biznes Buks, 2004. - 312 s.

68. Khan D. Planirovanie i kontrol´: kontseptsiya kontrollinga [Elektronnyy resurs] / D. Khan; per. s nem.; pod red. A.A. Turchaka, L.G. Golovacha, M.L. Lukashevicha. - M.: Finansy i statistika, 1997. - 767 s.

69. Khorin A.N. Strategicheskiy analiz [Tekst] / A.N. Khorin, V.E. Kerimov. - M.: EKSMO, 2006. - 288 s.

70. Chernyak V.Z. Biznes-planirovanie [Tekst]: uchebnik dlya vuzov / V.Z. Chernyak. - M.: YuNITI-DANA, 2002. - 470 s.

71. Sheremet A.D. Analiz finansovo-khozyaystvennoy deyatel´nosti [Tekst] / A.D. Sheremet. - M.: Institut professional´nykh bukhgalterov Rossii; Informatsionnoe agentstvo «IPB-BINFA» 2003. - 312 s.

72. Sheremet A.D. Kompleksnyy analiz khozyaystvennoy deyatel´nosti [Tekst] / A.D. Sheremet. - M.: INFRA-M, 2006. - 415 s.

73. Sheremet A.D. Metodika finansovogo analiza deyatel´nosti kommercheskikh organizatsiy [Tekst] / A. D. Sheremet, E.V. Negashev. - M.: INFRA-M, 2004. - 237 s.

74. Sheremet A.D. Audit [Tekst]: uchebnoe posobie / A.D. Sheremet, V.P. Suyts. - 5-e izd., pererab. i dop. - M.: INFRA-M, 2005. - 448 s.

75. Ekonomika predpriyatiya [Tekst]: uchebnoe posobie / V.P. Volkov, A.I. Il´in, V.I. Stankevich [i dr.]; pod obshch. red. A.I. Il´ina. - 2-e izd., ispr. - M.: Novoe znanie, 2004. - 672 s. - (Ekonomicheskoe obrazovanie).

76. Ekonomika firmy [Tekst]: uchebnik dlya vuzov / pod red. prof. V.Ya. Gorfinkelya, prof. V.A. Shvandara. - M.: YuNITI-DANA, 2003. - 461 s.

77. Ekonomicheskiy analiz: Osnovy teorii. Kompleksnyy analiz khozyaystvennoy deyatel´nosti organizatsii [Tekst]: uchebnik / pod red. prof. I.I. Mazurovoy. - 2-e izd., pererab. i dop. - M.: Vysshee obrazovanie, 2007. - 513 s. - (Universitety Rossii).

78. Ekonomicheskiy analiz: Osnovy teorii. Kompleksnyy analiz khozyaystvennoy deyatel´nosti organizatsii [Tekst] / pod red. N.V. Voytolovskogo. - M.: Vysshee obrazovanie, 2006. - 513 s.

79. Entoni R. Uchet: situatsii i primery [Tekst] / R. Entoni, Dzh. Ris; per. s angl. - M.: Finansy i statistika, 2000. - 560 s.

80. Etril P. Finansovyy menedzhment dlya nespetsialistov [Tekst] / P. Etril; per. s angl. - SPb.: Piter, 2006. - 608 s.

81. [Elektronnyy resurs]: sayt Ministerstva finansov Rossiyskoy Federatsii.

82. [Elektronnyy resurs].

83. [Elektronnyy resurs]: sayt TsB RF.

84. [Elektronnyy resurs]: sayt Ministerstva ekonomicheskogo razvitiya i torgovli RF.

85. [Elektronnyy resurs]: sayt Federal´noy sluzhby gosudarstvennoy statistiki RF.

86. [Elektronnyy resurs]: sayt Pravitel´stva [Elektronnyy resurs]: sayt elektronnoy biblioteki «Novaya ekonomika».

87. [Elektronnyy resurs].

88. [Elektronnyy resurs].

89. [Elektronnyy resurs].

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