Russian Federation
from 01.01.2014 until now Russian Federation
GRNTI 17.71 Народное творчество
BBK 82 Фольклор. Фольклористика
In the book on the basis of a substratny reflection the Russian national fairy tale is investigated. Its philosophy, philology, pedagogics becomes a subject of judgment. The fairy tale is described as a form of national mythopoetic consciousness of the Russian person. The edition is addressed to experts and the students studying a course of domestic philology, and also to those, who are interested in history of Russia and a role of fairy tales in its destiny.
Fairy tale, folklore, people, people´s consciousness, philosophy of tales, Russian people, Russian civilization
1. Anikin V.P. Russian national fairy tale. - M.: State. educational pedagogical. publishing house of MT of RSFSR, 1959.
2. Anikin V.P. Russian national fairy tale. - M.: fiction. litas., 1984.
3. Afanasyev of A.N. Drevo of life. - M.: Contemporary, 1982.
4. Aristotle. Compositions in four volumes. T.1. - M.: Thought, 1976.
5. Bazhov P.P. Compositions. T.2. - M.: Goslitizdat, 1952.
6. Gagayev A.A. The theory and methodology of substratny approach in scientific knowledge. - Saransk: MSU, 1994.
7. Gachev of G. D. Nauk and national cultures. - Rostov N / D.:: RGU, 1993.
8. Gagayev A.A., Gagayev P. A. Art text as cultural and historical phenomenon. - M.: Flint Science, 2002.
9. Gogol N. V. Collected works in six volumes. - M.: Fiction, 1949.
10. Gogol N. V. Collected works in six volumes. - M.: Fiction, 1950.
11. Homer. Illiada. Odyssey. - M.: fiction. litas., 1967.
12. Gumilev L.N. From Russia to Russia. Sketches of ethnic history. - M.:Ekopros , 1992.
13. Danilevsky N. Ya. Russia and Europe. - M.: Book, 1991.
14. Dobrolyubov N. A. Complete works in six volumes. T.1. - GIHL, 1934.
15. Kalevala. - M.: Fiction. litas., 1974.
16. Mahabharata. Ramayana. - M.: Fiction. litas., 1976.
17. World of philosophy. Part II. - M.: It is watered. litas., 1991.
18. Nagishkin D. Fairy tale and life. - M.: Detgiz, 1957.
19. National Russian fairy tales of A.N. Afanasyev in three volumes. T.1. - M.: Fiction. lit.a, 1957.
20. National Russian fairy tales of A.N. Afanasyev in three volumes. T.2. - M.: Fiction. litas., 1957.
21. National Russian fairy tales of A.N. Afanasyev in three volumes. T.3. - M.: Fiction. litas., 1957.
22. National Russian fairy tales of A.N. Afanasyev. - L.: Lenizdat, 1983.
23. National Russian fairy tales of A.N. Afanasyev in three volumes. T.2. - M.: Science, 1985.
24. Poetry and prose of the Ancient East. - M.:Fiction . litas., 1973.
25. Propp V.Ya. Russkaya fairy tale. - L.: Leningr. un-t, 1984.
26. Propp V. Ya. Russky heroic epos. - L.: I LIE, 1955.
27. Pushkin A.S. Complete works in ten volumes. T.10. Letters. - M.-L.: Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1949. 198
28. Russian children´s fairy tales. From A.N. Afanasyev´s collection. - It is put. litas., 1986.
29. Falcons YU.M. Russky folklore. - M.: Uchpedgiz, 1938.
30. Ethnography of east Slavs. Sketches of traditional culture. - M.: Science, 1987.
31. Jeong K. Chelovek and his symbols. - M.: Silver threads, 1997.