Abstract (English):
This publication is devoted to the topic of citation as a method of support and maintenance of scientific research, in particular in legal science, filling the existing in the Russian science significant gaps. Explained the concept of "quote" and "quotation", "reference" and "reference". The General importance of citation (as well as the use of references and references) for science is shown, the legal aspects of the reference topic are disclosed. The functional-target load of citation, the use of references and references and the rules of fair citation are described. The authors address questions about the extent of proper and permissible within the scope of citation, the understanding and extent of the appropriate and permissible in the repeated (repeated) particular use by the author of his author's scientific texts and self-citation, in the republication by the author of his previously published complete scientific work. Citation defects, their background and causes, their negative consequences are investigated. The value and features of citation in legal science are investigated and explained.