Kostyukova Elena

Author's profiles
Direction preparation
Accounting, Analysis and Audit in Agriculture
Academic degree
doctor of economic sciences
Science rang
  1. Stavropol State Agrarian University , department of accounting management accounting , head of the department of accounting management accounting ,
  • Journal "Economic policy and national security" ,
Scientific and pedagogical activity
Teaching disciplines: Accounting; Accounting management accounting; Cost accounting, costing, budgeting in industries of production sphere; Management accounting and reporting; Management accounting in agro-industrial complex.
Contribution to science
In total 306 scientific and educational and methodological works have been published, including scientific publications -122, educational and methodological works - 116, monographs - 23, VAK articles - 45. Prepared 10 candidates of economic sciences, 1 doctor of economic sciences.
State and public posts and positions
Chairman of the Public Council of Stavropolstat, member of the Guild of Auditors of the Russian Federation, full member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.

Buhgalterskiy uchet, analiz i audit vneshneekonomicheskoy deyatel'nosti: uchebno-metodicheskoe posobie dlya studentov obuchayuschihsya po napravleniyu «Ekonomika» i special'nosti «Buhgalterskiy uchet, analiz i audit» (grif UMO). Buhgalterskiy upravlencheskiy uchet: praktikum (dlya studentov special'nosti 080109.65 «Buhgalterskiy uchet, analiz i audit» (grif UMO). Buhgalterskiy uchet: uchebno-prakticheskoe posobie dlya studentov ekonomicheskih special'nostey (pererab. i dop.). (grif UMO). Byudzhetnyy uchet i otchetnost': uchebno-prakticheskoe posobie dlya studentov special'nosti 080109.65 «Buhgalterskiy uchet, analiz i audit». (grif UMO). Buhgalterskiy uchet: chast' I. Teoriya buhgalterskogo ucheta: rabochaya tetrad' / dlya provedeniya prakticheskih zanyatiy i samostoyatel'noy raboty studentov ochnoy, zaochnoy form obucheniya napravleniya 080100.62 – «Ekonomika» profili «Buhgalterskiy uchet, analiz i audit», «Finansy i kredit», «Ekonomika predpriyatiy i organizaciy», «Nalogi i nalogooblozhenie», «Mirovaya ekonomika» (grif UMO). Upravlencheskiy uchet: uchebnik dlya vuzov (grif UMO). Uchet zatrat, kal'kulirovanie, byudzhetirovanie v otraslyah proizvodstvennoy sfery (grif UMO). Buhgalterskiy uchet i analiz: uchebnoe posobie (bakalavriat) (grif UMO).

Stavropol, Stavropol, Russian Federation
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