Bogdanov Aleksandr

Birth place
Karpogory, Arkhangelsk Region
Direction preparation
Forestry, Geo-information technologies
Forestry Engineer, Master
Academic degree
candidate of agricultural sciences from 2014 until now
  1. employee Federal Budget Institution "NORTHERN RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF FORESTRY" (NRIF) , Senior Researche ,
Scientific interests
GRNTI 68.47 Лесное хозяйство
VAC 4 Сельскохозяйственные науки
Scientific and pedagogical activity
Associate Professor of the Department of Forestry and Forest Management of the Higher School of Natural Sciences and Technologies NArFU (2016) in Arkhangelsk.
Contribution to science
Leader and participant of research projects related to advising enterprises on sustainable forest management and remote monitoring of forests. Specialist in sustainable forest management, forest taxation, remote sensing.
I was reviewed
Arhangel'sk, Russian Federation
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