Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The change of climatic conditions often leads to stress and sometimes failure of adaptive resources. Vegetative nervous system is one of the main participants of adaptation to environmental changes. Its functions inevitably decline in cases of short-term change of meteorological and climatic conditions, especially, in people with history of vascular dystonia. The article presents the results of correction of the autonomic function by the methods of reflex- and crystal therapy in the conditions of maladaptation due to meteo-climatic changes. Due to its popularization in world medical practice and absence of research within evidence-based medicine, non-drug therapy, used in complementary medicine, in particular crystal therapy, require evaluation of its effectiveness for correction of autonomic disorders in cases of maladaptation and comparing with the generally accepted method of reflexology. Crystal therapy is a method of health improvement, which involves applying precious and semiprecious minerals to various parts of the body. Assessment of vegetative nervous system in healthy men and women with the diagnosis of vascular dystonia was carried out on the first day and 7-8 days after the arrival to Anapa. Randomized, blind, placebo controlled study has shown significant difference of the effect of reflex- and crystal therapy from the control group and the placebo group, in the correction of vegetative disturbances according to the heart rate variability and a number of mental health indicators. It has proven the effectiveness of reflexotherapy in the case of a high degree of maladaptation and crystal therapy in case of mild to moderate severity of maladaptation, identified according to the coefficient of weather variability in traffic along various routes.

climatic maladaptation, complementary medicine, crystal therapy, vegetative disorders, heart rhythm variability, reflexotherapy.

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