Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The work is devoted to the study of thermoregulation of rats under high pressure in the respiratory- gas medium, both experimentally and in mathematical models. Experiments conducted on rats in a hyperbaric chamber, where the pressure of the gas medium was raised to 4,1 MPa. The pressure increase in the hyperbaric chamber up to 2,1 MPa leds to augmentation of oxygen consumption by 1.7 times and at a pressure of 4.1 MPa – to oxygen consumption by 2,3 times. Thermo-neutral zone in animals, on the contrary, is progressively decreased with increasing pressure in the hyperbaric chamber. Using a mathematical model, it has been shown that the augmentation of pressure in the hyperbaric chamber to 2,1 MPa leads to increase the heat transfer in 1,9 times. The augmentation of pressure in the hyperbaric chamber to 4,1 MPa increases the heat transfer from the organism body in the medium in 2,6 times.

temperature, pressure, rat, hyperbaric chamber, mathematical model.

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