Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies
Voronezh, Voronezh, Russian Federation
Voronezh, Voronezh, Russian Federation
UDK 519.688 Программы и алгоритмы для решения отдельных задач на вычислительных машинах
Problems of practical rheology related to structural-parametric identification of rheological models of non-Newtonian media are considered. Problems encountered in processing rheological experiment data in rotational and capillary viscometry are shown. The need to formalize the mathematical dependence of viscosity on shear rate and temperature is emphasized. The complexity of the multi-level organization of the viscometric experiment is indicat-ed, including the multifactorial impact and responses of the system, the large dimension of the data, the complexity of the algorithms for planning and conducting the experi-ment, as well as the presence of uncontrolled perturba-tions. For automated processing of the results of rheologi-cal experiments, a software package is proposed that al-lows parametric identification of temperature-velocity dependencies of viscosity of pseudoplastic media. The Ost-wald-de-Ville model was adopted as a rheological model, reflecting the dependence of elm bone on shear rate. To account for the effect of temperature on viscosity, the mod-el is supplemented by the Arrhenius-Frenkel-Eyring equa-tion (2). Parametric identification is carried out according to the minimum criterion of the sum of squares of devia-tions between experimental and model-calculated viscosity values. The software product was developed in the Free Pascal programming language using the Lazarus 2.0.10 FPC 3.2.0 development environment. Operating system Windows x64 7/8/10/11. The program has an open source code, which allows interested parties to independently modify it and develop additional functionality. Verification and validation of the software product confirmed its oper-ability, compliance with the specified requirements and reliability of the results obtained. Practical use of the pro-gram allows you to improve the quality and reduce the complexity of scientific and practical activities, reduce the time of experimental research and increase the scientific level of conclusions arising from experimental research.
viscometer, identification, software, interface, subroutine, verification, validation.
1. Kailasham R, Chakrabarti R, Prakash JR. Shear viscosity for finitely extensible chains with fluctuating internal friction and hydrodynamic interactions. Journal of Rheology. 2023;67(1):105–123.
2. Deou J., Bessaies-Bey H., Declercq F., et al. 2022. Decrease of the amount of fat in chocolate at constant viscosity by optimizing the particle size distribution of chocolate. Food Structure 31: 100253.
3. Bredikhin SA, Martekha AN, Andreev VN, Kaverina YuE, Korotkiy IA. Rheological Properties of Mayonnaise with Non-Traditional Ingredients. Food Processing: Techniques and Technology. 2022;52(4):739–749.
4. Hussein AMS, Abd El-Aal HA, Morsy NM, Hassona MM. Chemical, rheological, and sensory properties of wheat biscuits fortified with local buckwheat. Foods and Raw Materials. 2024;12(1):156–167.
5. Borker NS, Koch DL. Shear rheology of a dilute suspension of thin rings. Journal of Rheology. 2023;67(3):723.
6. Hasan W., Khan M.N. Rheological characterization of vegetable oil blends: Effect of shear rate, temperature, and short-term heating // Journal of Food Process Engineering. 2020. Vol. 43, e13396.
7. B.B. Damdinov, V.A. Danilova, A.V. Minakov, M.I. Pryazhnikov, Rheological Properties of PVDF Solutions, J. Sib. Fed. Univ. Math. Phys., 2021, 14(3), 265–272.
8. Khvostov A. Estimationof the Error in calculating the integral characteristics of the flow structured liquid-like media in a cylindrical channel / A. Khvostov, A. Zhuravlev, E. Shipilova, A. Nikitchenko and D. Vnukov // Proceedings – 2021 3nd International Conference on Control Systems, Mathematical Modeling, Automation and Energy Efficiency, (SUMMA) 10 – 12 Nov. 2021, 2021, pp. 73 – 77.
9. Durkin V.V. Analysis of rheological models of fluid flow for mining and drilling practice and oil and gas business / V.V. Durkin, V.M. Ulyasheva // An oil engineer. 2022. No. 2. pp. 48-52.
10. Ivanov A.V. Uncertainty in the tasks of formalizing empirical rheological models of non-Newtonian media / A.V. Ivanov, A.A. Khvostov, A.A. Zhuravlev // Modeling of energy information processes : / Collection of articles of the XI National Scientific and practical conference with international participation (26 - 28.12.2022). Voronezh State University of Engineering Technology, Voronezh: VGUIT, 2022, pp. 166-172.
11. Tsypin A.P., Sorokin A.S. Statistical software packages in socio-economic research // Azimut of scientific research: economics and Management. - 2016. – Vol. 5, No. 4 (17). – pp. 379-384.
12. Mikhailov D.Y. A brief overview of mathematical software / D.Y. Mikhailov // Izvestiya TulSU. Technical sciences. 2019. Issue 4. pp. 325 – 333.
13. Osipov A.A. Application of computer mathematical packages for statistical data processing / A.A. Osipov, E.N. Ryabukho // Society, education, science in modern development paradigms: proceedings of the IV National Scientific and Practical Conference. Kerch, November 09-10, 2023 – Kerch: Kerch State Marine Technological University, 2023, pp. 83-94.
14. Polonsky A.M. Import substitution of software and the organization of student education using domestic or free software / A.M. Polonsky // Actual problems of economics and management. – 2022. – № 2(34). – Pp. 65-82.
15. GOST ISO/IEC 9126-2001. Information technology. Evaluation of software products. Quality characteristics and guidelines for their application.
16. Certificate of state registration of the computer program No. 2008612695. Virtual model of flow curves / I. A. Litvinova, A. N. Pirogov; applicant and copyright holder of the Kemer Institute of Technology of the Food Industry. – No. 2008611621; application dated 04/14/08; registered 29.05.08.
17. Certificate of state registration of the computer program No. 2012617783. A program for processing experimental data on determining the parameters of a rheological model of a mixed-type liquid with the limit of applicability of the Newtonian model / V.N. Kolodezhnov, A.B. Koltakov, A.C. Verennikov; applicant and copyright holder Kolodezhnov V.N. – No. 2012616131; application. 05.07.2012; registered. 28.08.2012.
18. Certificate of state registration of the computer program No. 2014611633. The program for determining, based on the flow-differential characteristics of the channel, the parameters of a rheological model of a liquid demonstrating the manifestation of the "hardening" effect / V.N. Kolodezhnov, A.B. Koltakov, A.C. Veretennikov; applicant and copyright holder Kolodezhnov V.N. – No. 2013661338; application. 09.12.2013; registered. 06.02.2014.
19. Certificate of state registration of the computer program No. 2010617542. A program for processing experimental data on determining the parameters of a rheological model of the viscosity of a mixed-type liquid and dilatant behavior at a non-Newtonian site / V. N. Kolodezhnov, A.V. Koltakov, S. S. Kapranchikov; applicant and copyright holder Kolodezhnov V. N. – No. 2010615779; application 21.09.2010; published 15.11.2010.
20. Certificate of state registration of the computer program No. 2021668340. A program for determining the parameters of a rheological model of a visco-plastic liquid with the effect of "hardening" / V.N. Kolodezhnov, A.V. Koltakov, S.S. Kapranchikov, A.S. Veretennikov; applicant and copyright holder V. N. Kolodezhnov – No. 2021665427; application 04.10.2021; published 15.11.2021.
21. Indenko O.N. Information technologies and algorithms in mathematical modeling of rheological research / O.N. Indenko, D.V. Donya, D.D. Skorobogatov // Information technologies in modeling and management: approaches, methods, solutions : III All-Russian Scientific Conference with international participation : collection of reports / ed. for issue E.V. Panyukov. Tolyatti : TSU Publishing House, 2021. pp. 335-340.
22. Certificate of state registration of the computer program No. 2017661812. The program Brookfield_to_MATLAB for exporting and processing the results of rheological characteristics measurements on a rotary viscometer / E.I. Kurkin, V.O. Sadykova; applicant and copyright holder of Samara National Research University named after Academician S.P. Korolev (Samara University). – 2017618614; announced on 28.08.2017; published on 20.10.2017.
23. Certificate of state registration of the computer program No. 2015614721. A program for taking and processing readings from a viscometer / R.S. Polyakov; applicant and copyright holder R.S. Polyakov – No. 2015611661; application 11.03.2015; published 20.05.2015.
24. Certificate of state registration of the computer program No. 2019610334. The Viscosity Approximation program for processing the results of measuring the viscosity of non-Newtonian media and determining the parameters of rheological models / E.I. Kurkin, V.O. Chertykovtseva, Ya.V. Grabatkin; applicant and copyright holder of Samara National Research University named after Academician S.P. Korolev (Samara University). – 2018664713; announced on 12/18/2018; published on 01/10/2019.
25. Certificate of state registration of the computer program No. 2018662419. A program for a rotary viscometer for determining the viscosity-temperature properties of marine fuels and lubricants / I.P. Korneva, N.S. Poptsov; applicant and copyright holder of the Kaliningrad State Technical University. – 2018615566; application. 30.05.2018; published. 08.10.2018.
26. Matveenko V.N. Structural Rationale of a Non-Newtonian Flow / V.N. Matveenko, E.A. Kirsanov // Moscow University Chemistry Bulletin. – 2017. – Vol. 72, № 2. – P. 69 – 91.
27. Rehman T.U., Shah L.A. 2019. Rheological Investigation of GO Doped p(APTMACl) Composite Hydrogel. Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie 235 (3): 329–343.
28. Certificate of state registration of the computer program No. 2024618573. The program of parametric identification of temperature-velocity dependences of viscosity of pseudoplastic media / S.V. Ryabov, A.A. Zhuravlev, A.A. Khvostov, E.A. Shipilova, M.G. Magomedov, I.V. Plotnikova; the applicant and the right holder. Ryabov S.V., Zhuravlev A.A., Khvostov A.A., Shipilova E.A., Magomedov M.G., Plotnikova I.V. – No. 2024617422; application 04/01/2024; published 04/15/2024. Byul. No. 4.
29. Popov A. P., Andrusenko A. S., Kisel D. S. Information system for multiparametric identification of technological process models // Engineering technologies. 2024. No. 2 (6). pp. 71-81.
30. It's Merzlyakova.Yu. Review methodov verifications and assessments quality programsnotable payments / e.Yu. Merzlyakova, E.V. Yanchenko / / Sibguti Newspaper. 2023. T. 17, № 1. S. 92–106.
31. Gusarova S.N. Problems of verification and validation of measurement methods and other objects in the testing laboratory / S.N. Gusarova // Product quality control. 2024. No. 4. pp. 32-39.
32. Khvostov A.A., Zhuravlev A.A., Ryazhskikh A.V., Barakov A.V. Parametric identification of temperature-invariant viscosity characteristics of non-Newtonian media // Bulletin of the Voronezh State Technical University. 2024. Vol. 20. No. 3. pp. 71-76.