Russian Federation
Russian Federation
UDK 00 Наука в целом (информационные технологии - 004)
The article develops and implements the management of virtual objects of a "smart home": an indoor space to ensure its safe operation, a boiler unit with weather-dependent regulation, and a reservoir with an adjustable liquid level. Software for such objects is created on the basis of relay-contact circuits (ladder diagrams). Design developments in the form of structural schemes for controlling the liquid level in the tank are presented. The presented level control program is based on the MCS – 51 microcontroller in Assembly language, for this purpose a block diagram of the automatic tank control circuit is provided. Special attention was paid to the control of the boiler unit, its operation in the mode of equithermal regulation. For this purpose, a similar regulator has been connected to the boiler control system. A cascade control method for a boiler unit is considered and analyzed in comparison with traditional single-circuit pressure control in a boiler. The control provides for stabilization of the temperature inside the furnace, followed by correction from the external pressure control circuit at the outlet of the boiler. The effect of this control method is obvious especially for thermal highly inertial objects. To ensure the safe operation of the interior of a smart home, a "gas control" based on typical smoke detection sensors has been proposed. The issues of connecting sensors to the controller, displaying the parameters of the measured values on a video monitor, as well as remote transmission of the parameters of the measured values to a smartphone have been resolved.
innovation, boiler, equithermal regulation, gas control, ladder diagram language, cascade control, stand, virtual model, structure, level.
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