Modeling the distribution of the channel resource of a corporate communications network
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Models of queuing systems in various spheres of society are considered. Graphical models of distribution of the channel resource of the corporate communication network and their parameters have been developed. The results of simu-lation modeling of estimating the distribution of the chan-nel resource of a corporate communication network are presented. The results of computational experiments con-firming the possibility of defining the boundary of the field of sustainable management of information processes in a corporate communication network with a lossless service discipline are considered. Models for estimating the distri-bution of channel resources in modern queuing systems have been developed, which allow taking into account the bandwidth of communication channels, network load, net-work traffic distribution, and planned quality of service. The parameters of the random variables of the incoming calls and the laws of distribution of the functions that make up the process under study are determined. The developed models take into account the time parameters of the pro-cessing by the corporate communications network of infor-mation messages from subscribers and users, and simulate the process of subscriber blockages in the event of an un-planned increase in the intensity of the load on the commu-nication channels of the corporate communications net-work. The developed models for estimating the distribution of channel resources in modern queuing systems make it possible to evaluate the effectiveness of information sys-tems and technologies in a specific corporate communica-tion network with the development of proposals for opti-mizing its functioning

Modeling, information technology, channel resource, cor-porate communication network, queuing systems, compu-tational experiments, superimposed balancing network, network traffic.

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