Criminal responsibility is one of the types of legal responsibility. State agencies apply it to persons for the commission of a crime. Imposing of criminal penalties on a juvenile who has committed a socially — dangerous act is a challenging problem in criminal legislations in all countries. Age is one of a criminal’s mandatory basic characteristics that influences the differentiation of criminal responsibility for persons, who committed crime. The issue of determining the minimum and general age threshold for juveniles’ criminal responsibility is recognized to be a challenging problem. The article analyzes the importance of the age of criminals and the age of juveniles who commit crimes, for differentiation of their criminal responsibility, regulated by the Criminal Codes of the Russian Federation and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. The author analyzes the problem of age determining when a person becomes criminally liable. The author provides recommendations on making alterations and amendments, related to determination of age limits for criminals, into the criminal legislations of Russia and Vietnam. The purpose of this article is the analysis of the age for criminal responsibility and the age of juveniles, the problem of lowering the minimum age of a criminal, and also the issue of dividing juveniles into several age groups. On the basis of the analysis, the author proposes improvements to the provision about the age of criminal responsibility in general, and the age of juveniles in particular.
Criminal law, criminal responsibility, juveniles, age of criminal responsibility, minimum age of criminal responsibility, differentiation of criminal responsibility, criminal legislation of Vietnam, Vietnam’s Criminal Code, the crime, criminal.
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