Belgorod, Belgorod, Russian Federation
UDK 629.331 Автомобили. Автомобильный транспорт
BBK 393 Автодорожный транспорт
The study objective is to construct a conceptual information model of a system for assessing, forecasting and managing the operational reliability of vehicles. The task is to find the elements (factors) of the system and construct their variation series at each moment of time according to the criterion of the highest ratio of the influence coefficient to the value of the factor characterizing this element for controlling the operational reliability of vehicles. Research methods: forecasting, mathematical modeling, statistical analysis, system analysis, theories of reliability, probability and control. The main results and their novelty are in the developed method of controlling the operational reliability of motor transport, characterized by the fact that the choice of control action is based on cognitive modeling when performing system information analysis, taking into account the influence of the factor on operational reliability, its significance, the amount of financing and the minimum possible amount of investment in this factor of the system. Conclusions: the conceptual information model of assessing, forecasting and controlling the vehicle operational reliability makes it possible to build an effective system for forecasting and controlling operational reliability of vehicles at an enterprise.
reliability, vehicle, operation, information model, system, service life
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