graduate student
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
graduate student
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
UDK 621.892 Смазочные материалы
BBK 392 Железнодорожный транспорт
Application of machine learning to calculate the supply of motor oils to railway grounds is considered. The study objective is to use artificial intelligence and other machine learning methods to ensure the supply of motor oils and to provide stable operation of traction rolling stock. The possibility of using machine learning to improve the accuracy of planning the supply of motor oils to railway grounds, excluding the human factor from the calculation, is analyzed. The following research methods are used: the method of using a heat map, machine learning methods, intelligence analysis, and linear regression. As a result of the study, it is found that it is more expedient to use Lasso Regression when developing a program for calculating the supply of motor oils for its use in traction rolling stock.
training, motor oils, railway transport, innovations, lubricants, diesel locomotives, artificial intelligence
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