Chelyabinsk, Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation
Chelyabinsk, Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation
Chelyabinsk, Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation
Chelyabinsk, Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation
VAC 2.9.8 Интеллектуальные транспортные системы
UDK 625.712.14 Автомагистрали (городские автострады)
BBK 398 Городской транспорт
The paper discusses new approaches to the arrangement of non-stop traffic flows at signaled crossings using coordinated traffic management. The study objective is to develop a mathematical model for determining the recommended traffic speed on the stretches of the urban road network using computer vision to ensure the non-stop traffic of a group of vehicles when crossing a signaled intersection. The model is unique because it takes into account the queue parameters of out-of-group vehicles, as well as the condition of the road surface. The study presents a method for calculating the time of non-stop passage of cars over crossings of the road network using AIMS-Eco monitoring system. The system uses real-time video stream analysis technology based on YOLOv4 neural network to obtain data on traffic parameters. The coefficients of influence of the traffic flow structure and the condition of the road surface on the time of queuing outside the group vehicles are characterized, which makes it possible to more accurately assess the impact of these factors on traffic dynamics. The dependences studied include those of the recommended speed of the leading car and the capacity of the road network section on the number of extra-group vehicles, taking into account the travel time of the queue of extra-group vehicles. The developed mathematical model makes it possible to increase the average flow velocity in the section of the stop line by 10-15% due to the arrangement of non-stop passage of signaled intersections by group vehicles. The results achieved are of practical importance for increasing the traffic capacity of the road network, improving road and environmental safety of automobile traffic.
dynamic signs, neural networks, monitoring, flows, ability, speed, acceleration
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