Lugansk, Russian Federation
Lugansk, Russian Federation
UDK 621.318 Техническое применение магнетизма. Магниты, катушки, реле
BBK 344 Общее машиностроение. Машиноведение
Study purpose is to develop a generalized algorithm for studying dynamic processes during the operation of spindles and other equipment with gasostatic bearings using machine-building CAD tools. The following tasks are solved: analyzing dynamic processes during the operation of equipment, selecting software for studying stiffness and bearing capacity, and then studying vibrations of an unbalanced rotor with gasostatic bearings, performing computer calculating experiments (CCE) in accordance with the developed methodology, presenting the results graphically and analyzing them. Research method include computer calculating experiments in CAE-programs of machine-building CAD. The novelty of the work is in the developed generalized algorithm for studying dynamic processes by conducting computer calculating experiments based on a three-dimensional computational model; in the obtained functional dependencies for the pressure of a gas lubricant and the amplitudes of temperature fluctuations on various parameters and conditions. There are study results of the pressure distribution of air lubrication in conical gasostatic bearings of a high-speed spindle under varying external loads, as well as the amplitude of transverse vibrations of an unbalanced rotor during accelerating and passing three critical rotational speeds at which the phenomenon of resonance occurs. Conclusions: the developed algorithm of computer calculating experiments based on a three-dimensional computational model allows studying accurately the dynamic processes that occur during the operation of spindles using machine-building CAD systems; the presented algorithm is universal, therefore, it can be used to study physical processes during the operation of equipment for various purposes; the use of this algorithm allows obtaining the results necessary to make new technical facilities without conducting numerous field tests, which significantly reduces the time and cost of research and development work.
experiment, processes, equipment, bearings, vibrations, lubrication, CAD
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