Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In conditions of increasing anthropogenic impact on the environment, the problem of compliance with environmental legislation is becoming more and more urgent. Prosecutor's supervision plays an important role in ensuring compliance with environmental norms and rules, as well as in protecting citizens' rights to a favorable environment. Legislation in the field of environmental protection is constantly being developed and improved. However, despite this, there are certain problems in its application and execution. The staff of the prosecutor's Office must ensure that the legislation is respected by all subjects of legal relations. The detection and suppression of violations of environmental and environmental legislation requires deep knowledge and experience from prosecutors. In addition, it is necessary to have access to information about the state of the environment and the activities of enterprises, which is not always possible. Environmental issues are of great public interest and attention. The staff of the Prosecutor's Office can and should contribute to improving the environmental culture and responsibility of citizens, ensuring compliance with the law and bringing perpetrators to justice. Thus, the relevance of the topic is due to the need to ensure compliance with environmental and environmental legislation, protect the rights of citizens and fulfill international obligations.

environmental prosecutor's office, prosecutor's supervision, ecology, national project, law, nature management, punishment, responsibility, crime, offense, legislation, nature
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