Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In the conditions of market dynamics, strategic analysis of the development prospects of companies is of great importance both from the point of view of the current situation and from the point of view of considering options for making strategic decisions. At the same time, an important place among the methods of strategic analysis related to the class of methods of maximum adaptation to the conditions of the external environment is occupied by the SNW analysis method. Depending on the phase of the cycle of economic activity of the managed economic system, the value of positive, neutral and negative factors have different degrees of significance, which is not taken into account in the classical SNW analysis, which predetermined the relevance of the research topic. The purpose of the presented studies is to form criteria for assessing the prospects for the strategic development of managed socio-economic systems using SNW analysis information. The scientific significance of the obtained results lies in the proposal of a model for quantitative assessment of the strategic positions of the analyzed organization within the framework of SNW analysis by introducing: standardized indicators for assessing each strategic position of the studied socio-economic system as the ratio of the actual value of the level of the analyzed strategic position of the analyzed organization to the base (or reference) value of the level of this strategic position of the leader organization in the considered sphere of activity (spatial comparison), or the achieved level of the considered organization for the studied strategic position in the previous time period (temporal comparison); the weightiness of each strategic position for the development of the organization relative to other strategic positions of the studied organization; indicators of the significance of assessments of the organization's positions as strong, neutral or weak for different phases of the economic activity cycle. The practical significance of the obtained results lies in the fact that the proposed approach based on the weighted additive model allows, due to the transition from qualitative to quantitative assessments, to more accurately determine the strategic positions of the organization based on SNW analysis.

information use, SNW analysis, management of socio-economic systems
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