Russian Federation
Khanty-Mansiysk (Yugorskaya) regional public organisation of the Free Economic Society of Russia (Deputy head)
Surgut, Russian Federation
The article considers the possibility of using tools that assess the emotional state of personnel and conduct emotional analysis of personnel during job interviews. The results of recent studies of this technology are considered. A process model for implementing the "emotional analysis" technology during interviews has been developed. An original mechanism for implementing the "emotional analysis" technology in the personnel selection process has been developed, which takes into account the influence of external and internal factors of the organization on the integration of this technology. Some results of the author's study of the relevance of the emotional analysis technology in recruitment are presented. In the article, the authors conducted a comparative analysis of analogs of the "emotional analysis" technology (acoustic speech analysis and polygraph), presented the characteristics of these technologies, considered their advantages and disadvantages.
emotional analysis during interviews, emotional analysis tools, advantages of emotional analysis, original mechanism for implementing the "emotional analysis" technology, process model for implementing the "emotional analysis" technology during interviews
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