This paper attempts to design the metaphysics of communication from the perspective of object-oriented ontology. For this purpose, the main provisions of object-oriented philosophy have been analysed with close attention to the description of ways, possibilities and conditions of object interaction. Employing the method of conceptual engineering, an image of what objectoriented communication should be is constructed from the theoretical and analytical review. Its descriptive and predictive capabilities are analysed. Special attention is paid to the conditions of communication breakdown, which reveal a set of relations inherent in its objects and make it possible both to describe the actual state of the communicative system and to predict its further behaviour. The theoretical provisions of the article are illustrated by examples from various spheres of communicative turnover of cultural objects: everyday communication, literature, crisis communications. The results of the study allow us to compile a set of methodological principles for conducting studies of communication in different cultural fields within the given approach.
communication theory, object-oriented ontology, metaphysics of communication, flat ontology, cultural objects
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