from 01.01.2005 to 01.01.2020
"The AngelInvestor" (Publisher of the magazine for business angels and venture capital funds)
Nizhniy Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod, Russian Federation
The paper analyzes outsourcing in the field of project management and shows the main features of outsourcing. The types of outsourcing and the factors that determine the most effective areas of its application were studied. The analysis of matrices of outsourcing is carried out. The features of various types of outsourcing in project management and various areas of project management for their transfer to outsourcing are shown. The analysis of directions for the use of artificial intelligence technologies for the purposes of project insourcing or outsourcing was carried out. The paper shows that in order to achieve the highest level of project maturity, it is necessary to use project outsourcing.
outsourcing, insourcing, cosourcing, outsourcing matrix, project, project program, project portfolio, artificial intelligence, strategy, project maturity level, project management office
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