Tula, Tula, Russian Federation
Tula, Tula, Russian Federation
The paper attempts to identify the relationship between the professional structure of employment and per capita income in modern Russia based on correlation analysis and construction of regression models using regional statistics. The obtained research results show that the expansion of the scale of using the labor of managers, the labor of operators of production plants and machines, assemblers and drivers can contribute to the growth of per capita production. The use of unskilled workers, whose number is from 7% to 18% of employed workers, reduces the level of per capita production, indicating the use of technologies of relict technological structures. The absence of a significant impact on per capita production of specialists indicates that their role in accelerating scientific and technological progress is insignificant. This may be due to the insufficient volume of scientific research and development, limited funding for this area of activity.
managers, operators, unskilled workers, regions, correlation, regression models
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