Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The relevance of this article is due to the need to study the problem of developing environmental education among university youth. The authors of the article consider environmental problems to be so serious that postponing their solution until tomorrow is disastrous for humanity. That is why environmental education is primarily placed on a par with civil-patriotic, spiritual and moral education. A survey conducted among residents of the city of Saratov about the environmental situation of their city showed a low level of environmental awareness and environmental outlook among young people. The authors of the article note the popularity of teachers’ use of modern technologies in the educational process - project technology. As part of the implementation of the project “With love for the nature of the Saratov region”, positive dynamics in the development of environmental education of university students through the means of a foreign language were revealed. The levels of environmental culture of students were determined. A purposeful, systematic process that affects all areas of student life in matters of the relationship between man and nature will represent the successful development of environmental education.

environmental education, student youth, environmental consciousness, environmental culture, project technology, foreign language, professional teaching aids

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