from 01.01.2022 until now
Kemerovo, Kemerovo, Russian Federation
Kemerovo, Russian Federation
This article is devoted to the study of feminitives, understood in a narrow sense, i.e. as nouns denoting the roles of women in modern society, in German and Russian languages. In addition, the article also touches on the topic of translating feminitives from German into Russian. Due to the heterogeneity of word-formation models, the choice of an adequate lexeme may be difficult, the possibility of adapting the translation of feminitives for a wide range and the possibility of introducing translated feminitives into the everyday speech of Russian-speaking people is also being considered. The article discusses the concepts of «linguistic norm», «suffix», «word formation». The analysis of suffixes used for translation from German and directly translated words into Russian made it clear that the most used suffix for the designation of feminine persons is -in in German and -ka in Russian, and also allowed us to see which German suffixes necessary for the formation of feminitives correspond to the Russian suffixes used for the translation of these feminitives.
suffix, linguistic norm, feminitives (feminatives), word formation, types of word formation, translation.
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