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Abstract (English):
The objective of this article is to try to outline ways to further strengthen the country's role and contribution to the process of building a renewed architecture of European security and multilateral cooperation on the continent on the basis of Russia's historically integral membership in Greater Europe in political, economic, socio–cultural and socio-psychological dimensions. For centuries, Russia has undoubtedly been the leading European power, largely determining the course of history and the development of processes in the region, laying the foundations for the still existing system of relations between European states. At the same time, the problem of Russian identity/uniqueness remains at the center of acute debates in the political and academic environment and the intellectual development of the country. In this regard, the article analyzes possible approaches to strengthening Russia's role in the region and possible options for a constructive contribution to European security in the future. Based on traditional political science methods (analysis and synthesis, comparative studies), an attempt is made to present scenarios and possible solutions to strengthen Russia's position in the European region as a leading power in the development of the strategy of national "Europeanism". This is also a new theoretical contribution to the development and understanding of the Russian concept and the elaboration of the future strategy of "Europeanism". A number of specific initiatives in this regard are also proposed, which could, in principle, be used by Russian foreign policy establishment and other institutions. The practical significance of the study is seen precisely in this provision of a whole set of specific proposals for building the future of Russian foreign policy and setting guidelines for organizing the activities of our diplomacy. The author comes to the conclusion that it is imperative for Russia in the current extremely convoluted international situation to take an active, positive and offensive diplomatic line with a determined imposition of our negotiating agenda on partners in order to constructively overcome the current profound crisis in relations with the "collective West", including its European segment. Naturally, in strict observance of the vital interests of national security in all its aspects.

Russia, Europe, arms control, international security, NATO, OSCE, transparency
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