Russian Federation
UDK 534.84 Акустика помещения. Уровень звука и качество звука
The acoustic properties of fire alarm systems are considered. The analysis and correction of the existing system of classification of fire alarm systems has been carried out. Shortcomings have been identified in the requirements for fire safety monitoring for voice alerts and for the certification testing procedure for fire-fighting voice alarms. The completeness of linguistic information, which is the basic standard for the required completeness of information for evacuees in case of fire, is analyzed. The structure of the sound field in the room is considered, taking into account interference during the operation of fire alarm systems. For real fire alarms, the necessity of using passport data is justified in order to obtain acoustic characteristics for such alarms as a source of not only direct, but also reflected sound. These characteristics can be used to calculate the sound field of the premises, as well as to obtain information about voice information for warning and evacuation control systems. The main factors influencing the fire early warning system have been identified, as well as their assessment and systematization. To form standard requirements for the results of new methods of acoustic design of warning and evacuation management systems to be developed, the disadvantages of existing methods for calculating fire alarm systems are displayed
System analysis, mathematical models, fire alarm systems, warning and evacuation control systems, acoustic properties, structure of the sound field, evacuation in case of fire
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