Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article studies the methods for calculating the radar cross section (RCS) of complex objects. For the analysis, the problem of calculating the characteristics of a linear un-manned aerial vehicle was selected using the finite element method of electrodynamics for a body made of a perfectly conducting material, as well as with the reduction of materi-als. Additional modeling was carried out using asymptotic meth-ods in electrodynamics, which are aimed at implement-ing the principles of geometric and physical op-tics to solve electrodynamically complex problems. Modeling is per-formed in DS CST Studio Suite 2024, which allows using the most modern optimization methods, as well as graphic accelerators that increase the accuracy of determining the characteristics of objects. The article contains a mathemati-cal descrip-tion of the modeling methods, as well as the re-sults of their application in problems of calculating effec-tive scattering. The results show that asymptotic methods allow, first of all, to estimate the influence of the geometric charac-teristics of the object on the patterns of reflected fields, while the conditions sig-nificantly increase the speed of calcula-tions. The use of finite element methods allows taking into ac-count a larger number of factors, such as superposition of fields, losses in materials, since they allow solving Max-well's equations with the greatest force, but calculations using this method require greater computing power, as well as more time

electrodynamic modeling, radar cross section, asymptotic methods in electrodynamics, finite element method

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