Moscow, Russian Federation
from 01.01.2023 until now
Voronezh, Russian Federation
UDK 004.021 Алгоритмы
At the moment, research on forecasting and modeling of emergencies and the phenomena accompanying their occurrence is relevant. The causes of dangerous situations are, among other things, natural phenomena. One of these phenomena is a tropical cyclone, which is capable of causing gale force winds, tornadoes and high-intensity precipitation. The study was conducted using the example of tropical cyclone Milton, which formed from October 5 to October 10, 2024 and caused a wide public response. It should be noted that a tropical cyclone formed on October 5, 2024 in the Gulf of Mexico and broke up in the Atlantic Ocean on October 10, 2024. At the same time, residents of the US state of Florida fell under the brunt of the dangerous phenomenon, and the main causes of destruction and casualties among the population were the tornadoes accompanying the typhoon and strong winds. The analysis of the full dynamics of a tropical cyclone was performed in order to identify characteristic structural areas using an almost periodic analysis apparatus. The characteristic almost periodic values of tropical cyclone zones are revealed, and, based on a detailed analysis, the factors for further research and the possibility of improving the results obtained from the almost periodic analysis of satellite data with tropical cyclones are outlined
Near period, data analysis, image processing, technosphere safety, emergency, natural phenomena, typhoons, tropical cyclones, Milton
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