Tyumen, Russian Federation
The author used the methods of comparative jurisprudence to compare the formation and functioning of the Russian state and law as parts of the Soviet and post-Soviet national legal systems. Certain conditions influenced the formation and development of the modern legal system. The trends and patterns of the Soviet legal system affected the post-Soviet one. As a result, they share some features while being profoundly different. The comparative legal method and theoretical analysis were in line with civilizational and systemic approaches, which allowed the author to develop a position in relation to the problems of post-Soviet law through the prism of civil society and strong legal institutions. The article focuses on the current development of the Russian state and law. A comprehensive analysis of historical and political science sources yielded an objective and holistic picture of the phenomena and events in question. Despite its diversity, the national legal system of the Soviet and post-Soviet periods demonstrated both common and special features.
revolutionary legal consciousness, socialist law, post-Soviet law, rule of law, Russian national legal system
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