from 01.01.2022 until now
Belgorod, Belgorod, Russian Federation
UDK 34 Право. Юридические науки
The article analyzes the contribution of the Russian international lawyer Leonid Alekseevich Kamarovsky to the development of international humanitarian law, especially in the context of his works of 1904-1905 related to the law of war and the Russo-Japanese war. Modern parallels are drawn, linking L.A. Kamarovsky's ideas with current challenges in the field of international humanitarian law.
law of war, international humanitarian law, Leonid Alekseevich Kamarovsky, Russian-Japanese war.
1. Kamarovsky, L. A. The Law of war / L. A. Kamarovsky – Moscow : Typolithography by G.I. Prostakov, 1905 – 60 c.
2. Nikolaev, N. Y. The problem of codification of international humanitarian law in the works of L.A. Kamarovsky / N. Y. Nikolaev // History of the state and law. - 2013. – No. 17. – pp. 35-38. EDN:
3. Nikolaev, N. Y. Anti-war ideas in the socio-political thought of Russia at the end of the XIX century / N. Y. Nikolaev // Historical past and images of history : Materials of the IV International Scientific Conference dedicated to the 110th anniversary of Saratov University, Saratov, May 17 2019 / Edited by V.N. Danilov, L.N. Chernova. Volume Issue 4. – Saratov: Publishing house "Saratov source", 2019. – pp. 158-167. EDN:
4. Kamarovsky, L.A. The main beginnings of the war / L. A. Kamarovsky – Moscow : Typo-Litogr. Yu. Venerstein. About Falk, 1904. – 13 p.
5. Kamarovsky, L.A. Russian Russian-Japanese war / L. A. Kamarovsky // Scientific word – 1905. – Book 6. – pp.70-82.
6. Kamarovsky, L. A. The Russian-Japanese war (the end) / L.A. Kamarovsky // Scientific word – 1905. – Book 7. – pp.60-72.