Russian Federation
Kursk, Russian Federation
The article examines the influence of the Spasskoye-Lutovinovo estate on the formation of the cultural landscape of the Oryol region. Turgenev's estate is a clear illustration of the architecture of that time, preserved to this day almost unchanged, as well as a reflection of the cultural and spiritual literary heritage of the country. The article also examines not only the history of the writer, but also the importance of the relationship with his native home.
Spasskoye-Lutovinovo estate, Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev, nature, literature
1. Domanskiy V.A. «Otcy i deti» Turgeneva v russkoy literature: parodii i remeyki / V.A. Domanskiy // K Turgenevu v Baden-Baden: sb. materialov mezhdunarodnyh nauch. konf. (2013–2014). – M.: Ekon-Inform, 2016. – S. 106–115.
2. Golovko V.M. Hudozhestvenno-filosofskie iskaniya pozdnego Turgeneva (izobrazhenie cheloveka) / V.M. Golovko. – Sverdlovsk: Izd-vo Ural'skogo un-ta, 1989. 168 s.
3. Kurlyandskaya G.B. I.S. Turgenev: mirovozzrenie, metod, tradicii / G. B. Kurlyandskaya. – Tula: Grif i K°, 2001. – 229 s.
4. Naumova N.N. Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev / N.N. Naumova – L.: Prosveschenie, 1976. — 160 s.
5. Domanskiy V.A., Kafanova O.B. Hudozhestvennye miry Ivana Turgeneva / V.A. Domanskiy, O.B. Kafanova. – M.: Flinta, 2018. – 432 s. EDN: