Sukharev Moscow Academy of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation
An important part of the investigation of crimes against the sexual integrity of minors committed in the family is the place and time of the crime, which largely determine the content and direction of the activities of the subjects of criminal prosecution at each stage of the investigation of the designated crimes. The author draws attention to the fact that the characteristic features of the categories of place and time of crimes against the sexual integrity of minors committed in the family, which directly affect the choice of methods and tactics of investigation, are the loss of traditional qualities of security of family life (environment), an increase in the level of defenselessness of the juvenile victim, leading to an increase in the psychotraumatic impact of the criminal act on the child. Based on empirical data, the author comes to the conclusion that the establishment of the relationship between place and time as elements of the situation of committing crimes against the sexual integrity of minors in the family is of decisive importance for establishing the fact of the crime and detecting its traces. As a result of the analysis of 220 criminal cases, the circumstances of the place and time specific to the category of crimes under study, as well as the frequency of their occurrence, were revealed.
the situation of the crime, the place and time of the crime, a minor, crimes against sexual integrity, family situation
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