Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article examines the problems of a destructive social environment, which includes not only explicit forms of violence, but also more subtle ones, such as neglect. These are no less destructive factors: emotional alienation, information saturation with negative content, lack of stable teaching and educational models. In this context, the justification of the need to protect children from a psychological and pedagogical point of view becomes especially relevant. The main problem is to find effective methods and approaches to ensuring psychological and pedagogical protection of children in a destructive social environment. Key issues that need to be addressed within the framework of this problem: 1. Which theoretical models most adequately describe the mechanisms of the destructive environment's impact on the child's psyche? 2. What diagnostic tools can effectively identify children in need of psychological and pedagogical protection? 3. What forms of psychological and pedagogical assistance are most effective for different age groups and types of problems? 4. How to organize a system of training specialists capable of providing qualified assistance to children in a destructive environment? The results of the study allowed us to formulate conclusions. A destructive social environment should be considered as a multifactorial phenomenon, including not only social, but also psychological, economic and cultural factors. A literature review has shown that most approaches to helping children in a destructive social environment focus on creating a supportive and structured environment, as well as on developing self-regulation skills in children. Our results indicate that a successful intervention should include an integrated approach combining emotional support with cognitive development and social skills, including the implementation of programs aimed at developing emotional intelligence and social skills, and programs to improve children's adaptive abilities have proved effective. The results of the study indicate the need for individualization of approaches depending on the specifics of the problems faced by the child. The data confirm that children with different levels of social disadvantage require different types of support.

psychological and pedagogical assistance, children, destructive social environment, negative media messages, Internet risks, digital environment
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