Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The work provides assessments of activities in the field of science, in the field of research and development. The research was carried out on the basis of constructing econometric models using Rosstat data. One of the main trends is the reduction of internal costs and state budget expenditures on research and development. The profitability of assets for carrying out scientific research and development is falling, and if current trends continue, the field of activity in question will become economically ineffective in the coming years. The number of patent applications filed by Russian applicants is falling. The human resources potential of science is declining. At the same time, there is a decrease in the number of doctors and candidates of sciences at such a pace that if the current trends continue, in 35 years there will be no doctors of sciences left in the country, and in 45 years there will be no candidates of sciences left in the country. Another trend is a decrease in the proportion of graduate students who defended their candidate of science dissertations in a timely manner. If current trends continue, there will be no postgraduate graduates who have defended their Ph.D. dissertations in a timely manner over the coming years.

research, development, costs, efficiency, effectiveness, candidates, doctors, graduate students
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