UDK 94 Всеобщая история
Arakhleiskaya pisanitsa is located on the territory of the Chita district, within the Yablonevy Ridge, 4 km from Pallas. During the research, three points with drawings were found, located in a deep niche, on a small remnant of a polymineral composition. The drawings are made in bright red ochre. In this article, the authors analyze a zoomorphic image, presumably of a deer, located on the main plane of the composition. In addition to the figure of the animal, signs, lines and fragments of other images are also recorded. The authors consider the find from the point of view of its material and religious significance. Special attention is paid to the role of the image of the deer in the traditions of the indigenous peoples of Siberia, such as the Evenki-Orochons and Buryats. Preliminary analysis suggests that the figure of a deer in rock art in the representations of the indigenous peoples of Siberia and the Far East could have both practical and sacred significance, which
Arachleian petroglyphs, A. I. Mazin, deer, Evenki-Orochons, Buryats, cult, rite
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