Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The work provides assessments of trends and factors of economic growth in modern Russia. The research was carried out on the basis of constructing econometric models using Rosstat data. Research results show that the main trends in economic development consisted of a decrease in the rate of economic growth and the rate of growth in labor productivity. The main factor of economic growth was the growth of labor productivity. There were no significant trends in changes in the growth rate of employment and the growth rate of accumulated fixed capital. The growth in labor productivity was achieved, to a large extent, due to an increase in the capital intensity of production. The basis for economic development was largely an ineffective archaic mechanism, the mechanism for the formation of an industrial economy. Employment growth had a negative impact on economic growth rates. The results obtained indicate that the most important factors of competitiveness and economic growth - human capital and new technologies - are insufficiently and ineffectively used. They did not ensure an increase in labor productivity due to investing in outdated technologies, attracting workers who do not have high qualifications, which is due to a decline in the quality of education and a reduction in the scale of scientific research and development. Education has largely lost its function of forming human capital. The research and development system does not sufficiently serve as a source of new technologies. The identified problems are obviously due to shortcomings in economic policy, shortcomings in financial management and investment processes, insufficient funding and ineffective management of the education system, research and development.

e economic growth, labor, productivity, capital, capital intensity, research and development, education
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