Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The main way to prevent cervical cancer is timely detection and adequate treatment of background, precancerous processes of the cervix, as well as infectious, viral diseases of the genital organs. Cervical dysplasia is a morphological form of cervical precancer. About 40 million new cases of this disease are registered worldwide every year. The frequency of transition of dysplasia to preinvasive carcinomas is 40-64% of cases. In 15% of patients, microcarcinoma develops against the background of dysplasia. Mild and moderate dysplasia of the cervix often regress in 55% and 54% of cases, respectively, and severe regresses rarely and turns into preinvasive cancer. However, it is possible for it to immediately turn into invasive, bypassing this intermediate stage. The absence of clinical symptoms of precancerous processes of the cervix and the difficulty of their detection require the use of a comprehensive method for examining women with cervical pathology. A comprehensive examination of women with cervical pathology allows us to identify background and precancerous processes and early forms of cancer, and to conduct their timely treatment, which is an effective method of prevention.

dysplasia, cervical cancer, clinical picture, diagnostics, treatment

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