Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The strategy for the digital transformation of the science and higher education industries sets one of the tasks to create digital educational services that allow the implementation of individual learning trajectories. According to this goal, the main content component of the educational process – the textbook – should also change. Since the transition of educational literature to electronic form, the pedagogical community has been developing theoretical foundations and technologies for designing electronic textbooks in new formats. The use of digital tools makes it possible to create different types of textbooks in the same discipline, differing in purpose, depth and target audience. This approach promotes individualization of learning. The article presents the format of electronic educational literature, based on visualization of educational content and dosing of information. The authors embodied this idea in mathematics textbooks for first-year undergraduate students “Linear Algebra EASILY!” and “Mathematical analysis EASILY!”. The experience of introducing them into the educational process has shown that they are in demand by students for self-study, and, to a greater extent, by students who experience difficulties in mastering higher mathematics. The described format can be used to create electronic textbooks in various disciplines and will be useful for distance learning students, foreign students and students with disabilities.

digitalization of education, person-centered learning, individual trajectories, electronic textbook, visualization of educational content, step-by-step solution of higher mathematics problems

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