Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The use of modern technologies in various fields of activity is a prerequisite for the development of diagnostic systems, and in particular, self-diagnosis systems for human health. The development of medicine, computer and computing technology, information technology contributes to this. The rhythm of life of a modern person and the availability of specialized diagnostic systems allows a person to do without going to medical institutions. This is also due to the current situation during the pandemic. Diagnostic systems give an impetus to the user to see a doctor if he ultimately understands the need for this. Then the user of the system with an established primary diagnosis becomes a patient of the clinic. Research in the medical field and data processing are carried out with the involvement of high-tech technologies, powerful computers, high-performance methods and algorithms. Diagnostic systems are developed as web or cross-platform applications. A mandatory element of the applications is a questionnaire, the quality of which determines the correctness of the diagnosis. The conducted analysis of existing freely available applications of various profiles showed that at the moment there is no application for diagnosing eye diseases in a non-invasive way. The relevance of the application development is explained by the modern flow of life: the use of laptops, desktop computers and all sorts of gadgets that automatically assume the presence of screens with different resolutions. If the operating mode is not observed and the use of computing equipment is aggravated, optic nerve strain is observed, which can contribute to the development of serious eye diseases. The paper presents the conclusions of medical data processing confirming the negative impact of unfavorable factors on the human visual organs. The causes of eye diseases and symptoms in various diseases are systematized. The analysis of the collected data showed their diverse nature. A decision support model based on the fuzzy logic apparatus for studying the state of the human eyes has been developed. The possibility of diagnosing the state of human organs by the iris of the eye is shown

Diagnosis, narrow-focused system, linguistic variable, inference rules, fuzzy composition, knowledge base model, fuzzy rules

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