Chelyabinsk, Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation
UDK 519.172.1 Деревья
The author once again continues the cycle of publications in the direction of improving the accuracy of measurements in the method of Analytic Hierarchy Process of T. Saati (AHP) using various modifications. In the course of this action, various errors and limitations in the Analytic Hierarchy Pro-cess were found, and their solutions were proposed. Among such errors and limitations is the ambiguity of using differ-ent forms of convolution of local priority vectors. To obtain clarity in this direction, an extended study of additive, mul-tiplicative and nonlinear forms of convolution of local priori-ty vectors was carried out using a control experiment to find a solution to the problem of choosing from these forms the one that will guarantee high accuracy of measurements of the resulting vectors. The obtained research results, after critical analysis, confirmed the additive convolution form for the Analytic Hierarchy Process, which gives greater meas-urement accuracy. At the end of the article, the ways of in-creasing scientific knowledge for mathematical science through further modification are described
AHP, analytic hierarchy process, hierarchical synthesis, linear convolution, additive convolution, multiplicative convolution, nonlinear convolution
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