Moscow, Russian Federation
UDK 339.133.017 Изучение спроса. Изучение потребностей. Изучение потребления
Modern information technologies, such as big data, create new opportunities for improving business processes of chain retail enterprises. The aim of the study is to develop a business process management system for a chain retail enterprise based on big data analysis tools. The study identified the main trends in the development of retail trade in Russia and analyzed the experience of implementing big data in foreign chain retail enterprises. The differences between traditional methods of collecting and analyzing data in retail and methods involving the use of big data are revealed. Possible areas of using big data by chain retail enterprises are determined. The components of the business process management process for a chain retail enterprise based on big data analysis tools are considered. The stages are proposed and the features of implementing a business process management system based on big data are determined. The main problems that chain retail enterprises may face when implementing big data analysis tools are identified and ways to solve them are proposed.
retail, retail, data analysis. Big Data, Data Mining, IoT, personalized shopping experience, machine learning, artificial intelligence, supply chain management, segmentation, cybersecurity
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