Kemerovo, Russian Federation
Kemerovo, Russian Federation
Social disorganization triggers the development of subcultures, both positive and negative. As part of innovative adaptation, a person or a group may update certain sets of values, thus offering an alternative solution to some existing contradictions. Destructive socio-cultural associations, on the contrary, revise and oppose the generally recognized and accepted values, which leads to protest activity and what Peter Berger defined as anti-societies. The article describes the current diversity of delinquent youth subcultures in Russia and their development. The author designed a typology based on sociological interpretation, affiliations, and risks: 1) subcultures with career prospects; 2) subcultures of antisocial leisure activities; 3) subcultures that imitate certain totalitarian organizations; 4) subcultures of escapism; 5) subcultures of gender orientation; 6) street subcultures; 7) school-shooting subcultures. This classification takes into account those aspects of social life that deserve special scientific attention. Each subcultural community requires a special interdisciplinary approach that would consider its socio-cultural and legal adaptation mechanisms, causes, and online and offline functioning.
youth, subcultures, subcultural communities, delinquency, socially dangerous behavior, destructiveness, illegal activity, social networks
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