Tula, Tula, Russian Federation
Tula, Tula, Russian Federation
The work is devoted to obtaining quantitative estimates of trends in the distribution of income between labor and capital in countries with a low share of labor in GDP. UN data was used for a set of European countries, post-Soviet countries, Israel, Canada, the USA and Turkey. The lowest labor share levels were observed in Ireland, Kyrgyzstan, Romania and Turkey. To assess trends in the share of labor in GDP on the rate of economic growth, linear econometric models of changes in the share of labor compensation in GDP by year in the period from 2012 to 2021 were built. Hungary, Ireland, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Ukraine have seen a decline in the share of labor in GDP. In Uzbekistan, this trend is weakly expressed. Germany, Greece, Iceland, Luxembourg, the Czech Republic, Switzerland and Estonia have seen an increase in the labor share of GDP. In Germany and Switzerland this trend is weakly expressed. An increase in the share of labor in GDP is observed in countries such as Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bulgaria, Georgia, Israel, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Norway, Poland, the Russian Federation, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Turkmenistan and Turkey. Moreover, this trend is weakly expressed in Belarus and Turkey. There are no significant trends in the redistribution of income between labor and capital in countries such as Albania, Malta, North Macedonia, Tajikistan and Montenegro. Trends in the redistribution of income between labor and capital can be determined by institutional conditions in the country’s economy.
labor, capital, income, institutions, econometric
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