Bryansk, Russian Federation
from 01.01.2015 until now
Voronezh, Russian Federation
Minsk, Belarus
Voronezh, Voronezh, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
UDK 630 Лесное хозяйство. Лесоводство
Logging operations are performed by various types of machines and mechanisms, which are usually combined into sets. The composition of the kit depends on the technological scheme according to which work is organized directly on each plot, depending on climatic, landscape and other factors. Increasing the productivity of a set of machines is associated with the efficiency of machines and mechanisms in individual operations, but it also largely depends on the correct selection of machines in the set, their number, production capabilities, design features depending on the different conditions at each site. It is important in the process of planning and managing logging operations to take into account the consistency of the operation of the complete forest machines, which involves determining the optimal operating modes of each machine, the number of certain groups of machines, the productivity of machines, their operating time, etc. According to research conducted by scientists of various scientific organizations at enterprises of the forestry complex, a list of tasks was formed, for which automated systems of operational planning of logging operations (AOP LR) are being created. Automated operational management of logging operations (AOU LR) is organized on the basis of AOP LR. The complex of priority tasks of the AOU LR includes knowledgeable groups of tasks; accounting for the volumes of work performed on logging operations; analysis of the fulfilment of planned tasks on the logging site, determined when solving operational planning tasks; development of control actions on the process of logging operations; preparation of accounting documents. The primary composition of operational management tasks logically follows from the composition of planning tasks. A positive consequence of this relationship is the commonality of the information base of both sets of tasks, which greatly simplifies their operation as a single whole as a mathematical support for an automated logging management system.
logging area, logging operations, sets of machines, a set of tasks, automated operational planning system, automated operational management, logging operations software, forest complex, reforestation, logging, information space
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