Optimization of the forest plow parameters for receiving microhills based on multiple regression analysis
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Abstract (English):
The taiga forest landscapes of the Russian Federation, being the main part of the boreal forests of our planet, are currently undergoing intensive exploitation. Reforestation carried out after harvesting in such areas often includes tillage in the form of formation of layers, ridges or linear microhills due to the predominance of temporarily moistened or wetland soils. The effectiveness of the preparation of waterlogged soil by microhills directly depends on the structural and technological parameters of a forest plow combining plow bottom and spherical discs. A series of experiments on strain gauge sampling of a forest plow draught resistance of and the linear dimensions of the microhill formed by it were carried out in the soil channel. Regression models of the influence of plough design parameters and soil moisture are adequate to the experimental values of draught resistance (F = 13.847, p = 0.000334) and microhill height (F= 20.646, p = 0.000045). Based on the compiled models, a number of parameters of the forest plow structural elements were optimized using the Harrington desirability function. The optimal values of the approach angle and the angle of inclination of spherical disks, the distance from the center of their rotation to the edge of the plow bottom earthboard were determined, and the influence of humidity of the treated soil environment on the estimated output characteristics of the plow was estimated. The results obtained can be used in the implementation of research and development on the creation of modern forest tillage equipment.

boreal forests, reforestation, wetland soils, microhill, forest plow, design parameters, regression analysis, optimization
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