from 01.01.2006 until now
Yakutsk, Yakutsk, Russian Federation
UDK 811.512.157 Якутский (саха)
UDK 80 Общие вопросы филологии, лингвистики и литературы. Риторика
The study analyzes the analytical and syntactic term-forming methods of the Yakut language, in particular complex terms, compound terms and the affixal method of term formation. The article deals with musical terms that function in the musical art of the Sakha people. The terms of the musical art of the Sakha people require systematization and streamlining. Streamlining is the main component of practical work on the unification of terminology, associated with bringing terms to uniformity, a single form or system. Unification is intended to ensure an unambiguous correspondence between the system of concepts and the terminological system.
affix, music, complex term, compound term, term, Yakut language.
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2. Alekseeva G.G. From folklore to professional music. – Yakutsk: Bichik, 1994. – 160 p.
3. Larionova A.S. Verbal and musical in the Yakut dyeretii yrya. – Novosibirsk: Nauka, 2004. – 324 p.
4. Okoneshnikov E.I. Linguistic aspects of the terminology of the Sakha language (based on general and sectoral lexicography). – Yakutsk: Publishing house SB RAS, Yakutsk branch, 2004. – 196 p.
5. Sleptsov P.A. Yakut terminology // Formation of terminology in the titular languages of the republics of the Russian Federation and the CIS / resp. ed. K. Musaev. M.: Institute of Linguistics RAS, 2000. – P. 197-198.
6. Khatylaev G.V., Khatylaeva K.F. Torut dorkoon. – Yakutsk: Bichik, 2015. – 128 p.