Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to the analysis and study of statistics on the relevance of the use of neural networks in the educational process of students. Based on the results of the survey, which was attended by 94 students of the Omsk branch of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation of various training areas, the following conclusions were made: the degree of relevance of the use of neural networks in a modern university according to a 5-point system of at least 4 points was estimated by about 57.4% of respondents. The actual goals of using neural networks were: improving the quality of the workspace (60.6%), reducing the duration of the workflow (59.6%) and assistance in writing papers (48.9%). It is worth noting that according to the results of the survey, Shazam became the most popular neural network using artificial intelligence. 71.3% of respondents use this neural network to facilitate the search for the right musical composition. The results of the study allow us to conclude that it is necessary to introduce neural networks into the educational plan of universities to facilitate the educational process of students. As well as a superficial study, to understand the general structure and relevance of the use of neural networks.

neural networks, artificial intelligence, higher education

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