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Abstract (English):
Superservice provides state and municipal services to citizens depending on particular circumstances defined as life situations. This client-oriented service delivery system is an important part of the current Russian system of state and municipal services. The authors developed ways to optimize methods for providing state and municipal services in different life scenarios. They used the modeling method to conceptualize the basic principles of Superservice and analyze their legal foundations. Considering the theoretical and legal discrepancies, the authors developed their own definition of life situation. The analysis of the Public Services Portal of the Russian Federation (EPGU) and regional websites of Multifunctional Public Service Centers revealed a poor use Superservice’s potential because the number of life scenarios appeared to be rather limited. The article contains some algorithms that employees of Multifunctional Public Service Centers could use to exercise a personalized approach to service recipients.

superservice, life situation, services, state and municipal services, provision of services, Multifunctional Public Service Centers, Public Services Portal of the Russian Federation
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