The article is devoted to the communicative, stylistic, and content-functional analysis of the first four issues of the Orel literary and journalistic journal "Russian Field". Russian Russian literature has recently become more and more in demand in the communicative field of Russian national life and culture, acting as a means of preserving and restoring the traditional value dominants of the "Russian world". The topic of the war in Novorossiya appears as one of the actively developed topics in the magazine, when covering which the desire to fit today's experience into the context of Russian mentality and history is clearly manifested. It is emphasized that a new page of literature is opening before our eyes, which, at the same time, is an organic continuation of the Russian classics, its line that begins with the "Sevastopol Stories" by L.N. Tolstoy. The conclusion is made that the very fact of the emergence and positive dynamics of the formation of a new magazine in Orel in the conditions of our crisis, critical time is evidence of the active development of the artistic and communicative space of Russia, as well as visual confirmation that the art of words, combining the inner depth and the outer beauty of the Russian language, was and remains the core of our culture and history, national worldview and intercultural communication.
artistic communication, Orel literature, national worldview
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